Archive for the 'internet business' Category

How Product Creation Studio uses LiquidPlanner to design amazing products

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LiquidPlanner is used by Product Creation Studio, a Seattle-based full-service product design and engineering firm to power their adaptive approach to project management and communication. LiquidPlanner has helped Ian MacDuff and his team give customers reliable timelines for project completion, which keeps customers happy and enables them to take on more projects. Learn more at

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Product Creation Studio is a design and development firm consisting of engineering and industrial design—they help companies take their great ideas and make them into products. With hardware development and product development there are so many unknowns, people don’t hire them to do something that has been done one million times, they hire them to do something innovative and new which makes it difficult to tell customers from the start how the project is going to go. It’s important that project management represents reality, the role of the project manager is to help everybody understand what’s really going on in a project and build trust between the parties. Up until Product Creation Studio found LiquidPlanner, there was nothing that helped them capture the flexible, adaptive style of project management. Project management is about integrity, if you create a project plan and a client thinks you are going to follow the project plan exactly, that’s not true. Product Creation Studio work in a field where there are way too many unknowns—they have to be honest with themselves and their clients that the initial project plan is their best guess. What they promise is to always communicate with their clients in a timely manner, any changes and why those changes are happening—LiquidPlanner allows them to do this. LiquidPlanner is built on the idea that work changes and has allowed them to nip a lot of problems they had in the past, while boosting communication and visibility with clients. LiquidPlanner allows them to talk about what’s real, pushing them to collaborate and solve problems—more time is spent fighting with the problem rather than each other.

Product Creation with RedCon1 Vice President Eric Hart

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VP of Redcon1, Eric Hart is back this episode to explain how the products at Redcon1 are created. From the naming, to the testing, to the manufacturing, marketing/sales, and then finally to shipping. Find out how long it takes to go from an idea to the end product you see on store shelves. Like all episodes of Tuba Talk, enjoy an insiders look into what it really takes to run a successful supplement company.

How To Build An Online Business With Product Creation

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creation. This is my continuation on the topic of online business models. I’ve

already talked about two which are: affiliate marketing and selling on ebay.

What Is Product Creation?

Product creation can be done through several means; one being selling eBooks. These online books can be about almost anything. By being creative and using your writing skills, you can write instructional informative ebooks that your readers and maybe even an advertising firm can purchase.

Teasers for each should be posted on your own website and/or social networking sites to entice people to read, watch, listen and purchase your audio or video “books”. You can easily find audio bookd content online. As a matter of fact, you can even base them on your hobbies, interests and current events.

Selling software can also be a great way to earn a living. If you are into software programming, you can sell your designs over the internet.

Another thing you can do is to find PLR content online that is related to your interests and/or niche. Although there are tons of free PLR content online, I don’t suggest you use them because if they are free, that means many people have already used them.

Instead of getting free PLR content, buy PLR content and then I recommend that you convert everything. You may not have to change the content, but I do advise that you check to be sure that the content is up to date.

In the video I also reveal…How To Start and Online Business Using the Product Creation Model? and steps that will help you create the perfect products to sell online.

Massive product creation

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Google Panda Product Launch 2015

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Google では、探している情報に一秒でも早くアクセスできるように、日々開発を続けています。本日 2015 年 4 月 1 日、新たに Google Panda を発表しました。Google Japan 公式ブログはこちら(から。

At Google, we work everyday so our users can access the information they’re looking for, as fast as they can . Today, on April 1, 2015, we are announcing a brand new product, Google Panda. Take a look at our announcement ( for more details.
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📌En este vídeo te voy a explicar cuales serán las 10 TENDENCIAS más destacables en COPYWRITING durante este 2019. Adelántate al resto 😜
¿No quieres perderte ninguna novedad? Te puedes suscribir aquí:

Mucho ha pasado desde que allá por 1.828, un tal Noah Webster realizara la primera definición de copywriting que se conoce.

Desde entonces, este arte, ciencia y profesión ha evolucionado, empapándose con las mejores técnicas de venta y persuasión de cada época.

Y este año no es una excepción.

Tú y yo vamos a analizar las principales tendencias de copywriting en 2019, para adelantarnos a la competencia, y conseguir que nuestros clientes alucinen con el mensaje que les demos.

Despegamos en 3, 2, 1… 🚀

Tendencias de copywriting para 2019 que nadie te cuenta

⚠Una advertencia.

Si has leído algo sobre copywriting web, seguro que te habrás aburrido de escuchar la misma historia una y otra vez.

Esto no va a ser la típica charla sobre que tienes que usar emociones, extraer beneficios y escuchar al cliente.

Eso no son tendencias, sino el ABC📚 de la profesión de cualquier copywriter.

Lo que vamos a analizar aquí es otra cosa.
📱Internet móvil

En octubre de 2016, y de acuerdo con StatCounter, se produjo una colisión de fuerzas cósmicas entre quienes se conectaban a Internet con su ordenador y quienes lo hacían con el móvil.

Como consecuencia de esa ruptura del espacio-tiempo surgió un monstruo cibernético conocido como “zombie adicto a la pantalla de 5 pulgadas”/”antes muerta que sin móvil”.

Desde entonces hasta ahora, su especie se ha reproducido, y hasta el mismísimo Google ha tenido que doblegarse a sus exigencias mediante la declaración conocida como “Mobile First Indexing”.

O lo que es lo mismo, si tu página no está perfectamente diseñada para el tráfico móvil…

…¡te vas a cagar! 😏

¿Y todo esto qué tiene que ver con el copywriting?

¡Pues todo!

📈Marketing de Influencia Millennial

Los millennials -como un servidor- mandamos. No sólo somos la población activa más grande de la historia, ¡sino que también llegamos a rebobinar las cintas de cassette con un boli bic!

Ya hace 20 años éramos auténticos pioneros del ahorro energético♻

El caso es que, como consumidores, estamos siempre buscando la opinión de otros usuarios de Internet, especialmente, en las redes sociales.

¡Y lo que es más importante!

Confiamos casi tanto en la opinión de los influencers como en la de nuestros amigos.

🎯Micro-momentos y nuevos embudos de conversión

Hace tiempo que Google dividió en micro-momentos el comportamiento del consumidor; es decir, momentos de gran intencionalidad en los que una persona utiliza un dispositivo para resolver una necesidad de saber, ir a hacer o comprar.

📜Storytelling de marca

Las historias incrementan la retención de la atención y la percepción de valor, así son una excelente manera de mejorar las ventas de cualquier marca sin necesidad de cambiar el producto o servicio.

¿Cómo sacarle partido a las tendencias del copywriting?
Muy fácil.

Sólo tienes que suscribirte y compartiré contigo las mejores técnicas de marketing de contenidos y redacción persuasiva para que las apliques a tu negocio.

Puedes acceder desde aquí al artículo completo:

[Copywriting en español]

Canal Ivo Fiz TV Copywriting. Influencia. Persuasión
Video Rating: / 5

How to Use Words That SELL With Copywriting Ace Christina Gillick | BP Business 8

What if we told you that mastering this one skill could allow you to replace your W-2 income, boost sales immediately, AND help launch your own thriving online business? Christina Gillick used copywriting to do all three of those things!

In this episode, she shares her story and guides us through a crash course on persuasive writing. You’re going to love Christina’s tips for writing like you talk and using stories to grab your audience’s attention. And you’ll learn how to overcome objections without coming across as too salesy.

Also, you know that old infomercial trick, “But wait… there’s more!”? Well, it works. And from Christina, you’ll learn how to close deals by making irresistible offers and attractive money-back guarantees.

Worried you’re not a great writer? Listen for Christina’s advice on hiring a copywriter. Also, whether it’s a landing page, direct mail piece, or Facebook ad, Christina reveals how split-testing different versions will get you an optimal result. In fact, she used this strategy to drive sales in her own business,

Warning: this episode could change the way you think about marketing. Check it out, and subscribe to the show so you won’t miss an episode!

Check the full show notes here:

Christina’s Personal Website :
Christina’s Business Website:
Christina’s Instagram:
Christina’s Twitter Profile:
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Curso de Copywriting: Como vender pelo Instagram & Facebook (Estrutura de Copywriting) #008

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Como vender pelo Instagram e Facebook. Estrutura de Copywriting que uso para fazer meus posts e vender produtos nas redes sociais. Hotmart, Eduzz e Monetizze.

👉 Gostou da Aula? Então conheça o meu Guia Digital de Copywriting e Vendas Online:
(Use o Cupom ‘Youtube’ e ganhe 30% de desconto)

👉 Veja mais aulas do Meu Curso Grátis de Copywriting:

Estrutura que usei na Copy do vídeo:
P – P – C – S – C

Como funciona?

– Promessa.
Chamar atenção.

– Problema.
– Causa.
– Solução.
Gerar autoridade.

– Chamada para ação.
Fazer a pessoa clicar no link ou acessar a bio do perfil e clicar.


▲ Minhas redes sociais:
Instagram VA:
Facebook VA:

In questo episodio parliamo di copywriting e come questo sia importante per qualsiasi business online (e offline).

Il video è interessante perché riporto il case study di Marcello Chiapponi, fondatore di e nostro cliente.

Qua trovate il canale Youtube di Marcello:

Marcello aveva già rilasciato una testimonianza di come copymastery (il mio corso sul copywriting) gli avesse permesso di aumentare il profitto totale del proprio business.

A tal proposito qua trovate la video testimonianza:

Se il link non funziona significa che non siete ancora iscritti a copymastery, la nostra community facebook gratuita per copywriter (o aspiranti tali).

Potete accedere alla community da questo link:

Buona visione 🙂

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🤙🏽 Ogni giorno pubblico instagram stories su imprenditoria, marketing, viaggi e crescita personale 🤓

🎯 Seguimi su Facebook: 

In questo canale racconto le strategie che utilizzo per guadagnare online e i resoconti dei miei viaggi. Fai click su “iscriviti” per essere avvisato sull’uscita di nuovi video.


Main Camera: Sony A7r III
Second Camera: Sony A6500
Small Camera: Sony RX100 mark V
Favorite lens: Sony GM FE 16-35 2.8

Other lens:
• Sony GM FE 24-70 2.8• Sony GM FE 70-200 2.8• Sony Zeiss FE 35 2.8• Sony Zeiss FE 10-18

Music from Epidemic Sound,, Andrew ApplePie, Joakim Karud, Danijel Zambo, Ukiyo, Taylor Galford.

Un abbraccio,

Video Rating: / 5

COPYWRITING: O segredo para se ter muito mais resultados com sua escrita na Internet.

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Quer acompanhar as tendências de marketing digital para esse ano?



No universo do marketing quase tudo que você escreve tem um objetivo claro e deve convencer o leitor a fazer alguma coisa. O Copywriting é uma maneira de escrita persuasiva que faz toda a diferença para seu marketing alcançar o sucesso.

Confira no nosso blog um guia definitivo de como aumentar suas conversões com o copywriting:

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Sertai Giveaway Bulanan : “Giveaway Google Play GiftCard RM50” –~–
Cara Menulis Copywriting Dengan Mudah. Dalam video kali ini saya akan terangkan cara untuk tulis copywriting dengan leih mudah.

Secara umumnya terdapat 5 perkata yang perlu anda dalam satu copywriritn yang baik iaitu:
1. Headline
2. Intro
3. FAB
4. Tawaran
5. CTA

Ini adalah format standart sesebuah copywriting.

Untuk artikel penuh, bca di sini:

Jika anda tidak pandai untuk menulis copywriting, anda juga boleh menggunakan copywriting generator. Ia adalah sebuah software yang membantu anda untuk menghasilkan copywriting dalam masa yang singkat.

Ketahui tentang copywriting generator di sini:

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Search, Find, Buy Amazon FBA Manychat Product Launch and Rank Strategy – Does it Work?

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⭐FREE Product Selection and Idea Generation Mini Course:
🔥Join My Amazon FBA Training Course + Mastermind:

Wondering how to launch a product on amazon? Have you heard of the “search, find, buy” product launch strategy? In this video I show you my results I have achieved from using manychat to help me rank on amazon. I share some tips on the “search, find, buy” keyword ranking strategy and how you can get to page #1. Make sure you check out my other videos and the resources below to see all the tools and services I used to start and scale my ecommerce business. Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions!






JUNGLE SCOUT (Product Research, Amazon Sales Data):
➡️ (Get 20% off)

HELIUM10 (Keyword Research, Amazon Sales Data)
➡️ (Get 50% off)

VIRAL LAUNCH (Keyword Research, Amazon Sales Date, Giveaways):
➡️ (Get 15% off Lifetime Access)

SHOPIFY (#1 Ecommerce Store Platform, Use to Get Amazon Brand Registered)


99 DESIGNS (Logo and Packaging Designs)

If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe for more! I’m putting out new videos every week on how to sell on Amazon FBA. I’m here sharing my step by step process from beginner to expert on everything Amazon FBA. If you found this video helpful, please help me spread the word by liking and commenting.

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Limited Edition 10″ Deep Skillet video.

Product Creation Studio: Accelerating Product Development with SOLIDWORKS

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Product Creation Studio is a product development firm whose services include industrial design, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and firmware. The firm uses SOLIDWORKS software to develop products for consumer, medical, furniture, sporting goods, and industrial equipment markets, shortening design cycles and reducing costs in the process.

To learn more, visit