Simulador de Cecarm que trata la realización de campañas de email marketing con Mailchimp, una de las herramientas más conocida y utilizada en el ámbito del email marketing.
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Archive for October, 2019

today we learn about how to submit link on Reddit for social bookmarking.
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This video shows you step by step how to submit your website to 48 Social Bookmarking Sites. You’ll finally be able to grasp what bookmarking means and why these sites are important.
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Today, i tell about What is social Bookmarking and benefits of social Bookmarking?
My name is Avinash mittal you call me Avi Digital marketing Expert.
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Keyword Analysis:
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Create robots, sitemap :
How to check on-page SEO :
What is On-page SEO:
What is SEO:
What is digital marketing:
Remove bulk url:
Secure whatsapp:
Add watemark/logo :
Create android app:
75 twitter marketing strategies, tips and tricks (26-50) –
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In this video, you will learn 25 twitter marketing strategies that will get you more engagement, followers, website traffic and brand trust from your audience. I will be covering things such as why you should thank your followers, what times of day you should tweet, why you should connect Twitter to other social profiles and much more. Enjoy the Twitter marketing strategies, tips and tricks in the video!
Video Rating: / 5 How to build an online business with product
creation. This is my continuation on the topic of online business models. I’ve
already talked about two which are: affiliate marketing and selling on ebay.
What Is Product Creation?
Product creation can be done through several means; one being selling eBooks. These online books can be about almost anything. By being creative and using your writing skills, you can write instructional informative ebooks that your readers and maybe even an advertising firm can purchase.
Teasers for each should be posted on your own website and/or social networking sites to entice people to read, watch, listen and purchase your audio or video “books”. You can easily find audio bookd content online. As a matter of fact, you can even base them on your hobbies, interests and current events.
Selling software can also be a great way to earn a living. If you are into software programming, you can sell your designs over the internet.
Another thing you can do is to find PLR content online that is related to your interests and/or niche. Although there are tons of free PLR content online, I don’t suggest you use them because if they are free, that means many people have already used them.
Instead of getting free PLR content, buy PLR content and then I recommend that you convert everything. You may not have to change the content, but I do advise that you check to be sure that the content is up to date.
In the video I also reveal…How To Start and Online Business Using the Product Creation Model? and steps that will help you create the perfect products to sell online.
Phần mềm gửi email marketing TOP Email là phần mềm gửi email tốt nhất hiện nay.
Phone: (024) 6293 8008 – 0915.90.1919
Address: P1407, Tháp C, Hồ Gươm Plaza, 102 Trần Phú, Hà Đông, Hà Nội.
Email marketing là một trong những kênh marketing hiệu quả nhất thế kỷ 21. Trong đó phần mềm gửi email marketing Top Email là một trong những số ít những phần mềm gửi email hàng loạt hàng loạt tốt nhất hiện tại để thực hiện việc gửi email marketing hàng loạt. Gửi email marketing hàng loạt nhằm mục đích nhanh chóng tiếp cận khách hàng hoặc tiếp thị sản phẩm ra thị trường. TOP Email là phần mềm gửi email marketing thông qua công nghệ điện toán đám mây của nhà cung cấp dịch vụ email marketing hàng loạt hàng đầu thế giới hiện nay như: Amazon SES, Sendgrid, Mailgun, PortMark,…
Chức năng của phần mềm gửi email hàng loạt Top email marketing:
– Tốc độ gửi email vô cùng nhanh, không giới hạn email gửi trong ngày.
– Gửi email thông qua server của Amazon, Sengrird.
– Tỷ lệ vào hộp thư đến rất cao (Inbox) xấp xỉ 100%.
– Cá nhân hóa khách hàng, gửi tới nhiều khách hàng với thông tin chi tiết của người nhận gồm: tên, số điện thoại, địa chỉ,…
– Thống kê chi tiết số lượng mở email, người nào mở email và thởi gian người đó mở.
– Chi phí gửi email chỉ có 9 đồng / 1 email.(1000 email chỉ mất 9000 đồng).
– Gửi email với brandname để khách hàng dễ nhận biết thương hiệu.
– Hỗ trợ kho template phong phú và đa dạng.
– Update liên tục, bảo hành miễn phí 100%.
Để sử dụng được phần mềm Top email marketing bạn cần:
– Danh sách email của bạn (Để việc xây dựng danh sách dễ dàng hơn TOP Email sẽ tặng khách hàng 1 phần mềm quét email trị giá 500.000 đồng )
– 1 Máy tính có kết nối mạng internet.
– Phần mềm gửi email marketing
#TOPEmailMarketing #phanmemguiemail #phanmememailmarketing
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هلا بك يا صديقي سنتحدث اليوم عن ال Email Marketing و كيف ترسل 40000 ايميل في الانبوكس بدون اي تعب عن طريق شيئ اسمه SMTP وما هو هذا الشيئ وكيف يمكن ان تصل الي نصف مليون رسالة يوميا تخيل كم المبيعات التي يمكن ان تحصل عليها اذا قرر فقط 1% من هؤلاء العملاء الشراء منك عن طريق ال Email Marketing او التسويق عبر الايميل سيدر هذا الامر ارباح لا تتخيلها
هو واحد من أقدم وأفضل إستراتيجيات التسويق علي الانترنت.
يمكنك من خلاله الحصول على زوار في غاية الإستهداف، سواء لموقعك الخاص او لتسويق منتجات الغير.
يشرفني تواصلكم معي ومتابعتي على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي المختلفة
جروبنا علي فيس بوك :
صفحتي الرسمية على فيسبوك :
حسابي على تويتر :
مدونتنا المتواضعة :
الايميل :
كل البرامج موجودة علي هذا الرابط:
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A drip email marketing campaign can make a major impact on your business. In this video, John Lincoln discusses how to use a drip email marketing campaign to improve your business.
Learn examples of email marketing campaigns
Learn about automated sequences
Learn about drip email marketing campaigns for new clients
Learn about drip email marketing campaign options for abandon cart
Promotional email marketing campaign automation
Webinar and event drop email marketing campaigns are a must
How you start an email marketing campaign
How do you measure the success of your email marketing campaign sequence
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Google では、探している情報に一秒でも早くアクセスできるように、日々開発を続けています。本日 2015 年 4 月 1 日、新たに Google Panda を発表しました。Google Japan 公式ブログはこちら(から。
At Google, we work everyday so our users can access the information they’re looking for, as fast as they can . Today, on April 1, 2015, we are announcing a brand new product, Google Panda. Take a look at our announcement ( for more details.
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📌En este vídeo te voy a explicar cuales serán las 10 TENDENCIAS más destacables en COPYWRITING durante este 2019. Adelántate al resto 😜
¿No quieres perderte ninguna novedad? Te puedes suscribir aquí:
Mucho ha pasado desde que allá por 1.828, un tal Noah Webster realizara la primera definición de copywriting que se conoce.
Desde entonces, este arte, ciencia y profesión ha evolucionado, empapándose con las mejores técnicas de venta y persuasión de cada época.
Y este año no es una excepción.
Tú y yo vamos a analizar las principales tendencias de copywriting en 2019, para adelantarnos a la competencia, y conseguir que nuestros clientes alucinen con el mensaje que les demos.
Despegamos en 3, 2, 1… 🚀
Tendencias de copywriting para 2019 que nadie te cuenta
⚠Una advertencia.
Si has leído algo sobre copywriting web, seguro que te habrás aburrido de escuchar la misma historia una y otra vez.
Esto no va a ser la típica charla sobre que tienes que usar emociones, extraer beneficios y escuchar al cliente.
Eso no son tendencias, sino el ABC📚 de la profesión de cualquier copywriter.
Lo que vamos a analizar aquí es otra cosa.
📱Internet móvil
En octubre de 2016, y de acuerdo con StatCounter, se produjo una colisión de fuerzas cósmicas entre quienes se conectaban a Internet con su ordenador y quienes lo hacían con el móvil.
Como consecuencia de esa ruptura del espacio-tiempo surgió un monstruo cibernético conocido como “zombie adicto a la pantalla de 5 pulgadas”/”antes muerta que sin móvil”.
Desde entonces hasta ahora, su especie se ha reproducido, y hasta el mismísimo Google ha tenido que doblegarse a sus exigencias mediante la declaración conocida como “Mobile First Indexing”.
O lo que es lo mismo, si tu página no está perfectamente diseñada para el tráfico móvil…
…¡te vas a cagar! 😏
¿Y todo esto qué tiene que ver con el copywriting?
¡Pues todo!
📈Marketing de Influencia Millennial
Los millennials -como un servidor- mandamos. No sólo somos la población activa más grande de la historia, ¡sino que también llegamos a rebobinar las cintas de cassette con un boli bic!
Ya hace 20 años éramos auténticos pioneros del ahorro energético♻
El caso es que, como consumidores, estamos siempre buscando la opinión de otros usuarios de Internet, especialmente, en las redes sociales.
¡Y lo que es más importante!
Confiamos casi tanto en la opinión de los influencers como en la de nuestros amigos.
🎯Micro-momentos y nuevos embudos de conversión
Hace tiempo que Google dividió en micro-momentos el comportamiento del consumidor; es decir, momentos de gran intencionalidad en los que una persona utiliza un dispositivo para resolver una necesidad de saber, ir a hacer o comprar.
📜Storytelling de marca
Las historias incrementan la retención de la atención y la percepción de valor, así son una excelente manera de mejorar las ventas de cualquier marca sin necesidad de cambiar el producto o servicio.
¿Cómo sacarle partido a las tendencias del copywriting?
Muy fácil.
Sólo tienes que suscribirte y compartiré contigo las mejores técnicas de marketing de contenidos y redacción persuasiva para que las apliques a tu negocio.
Puedes acceder desde aquí al artículo completo:
[Copywriting en español]
Canal Ivo Fiz TV Copywriting. Influencia. Persuasión
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What if we told you that mastering this one skill could allow you to replace your W-2 income, boost sales immediately, AND help launch your own thriving online business? Christina Gillick used copywriting to do all three of those things!
In this episode, she shares her story and guides us through a crash course on persuasive writing. You’re going to love Christina’s tips for writing like you talk and using stories to grab your audience’s attention. And you’ll learn how to overcome objections without coming across as too salesy.
Also, you know that old infomercial trick, “But wait… there’s more!”? Well, it works. And from Christina, you’ll learn how to close deals by making irresistible offers and attractive money-back guarantees.
Worried you’re not a great writer? Listen for Christina’s advice on hiring a copywriter. Also, whether it’s a landing page, direct mail piece, or Facebook ad, Christina reveals how split-testing different versions will get you an optimal result. In fact, she used this strategy to drive sales in her own business,
Warning: this episode could change the way you think about marketing. Check it out, and subscribe to the show so you won’t miss an episode!
Check the full show notes here:
Christina’s Personal Website :
Christina’s Business Website:
Christina’s Instagram:
Christina’s Twitter Profile:
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